Features of the images
With prometheus, one usually begins work searching for images. After a successful search, one continues to with work in the image.
In our example, one can see that the search result for „jakob böhme” in the Rijksmuseum Collection, Amsterdam- an integrated Open Access image archive.
Moving the mouse over the images on the list of results enlarges them. Moving the mouse over the search results, icons on the left side of the image will become visible. Following are all the features, which can be done with just one click:
1. You can select the image for your image collection.
2. One can directly file the image in an image collection, in a presentation or in your favorites list.
3. After clicking, the complete data set will be displayed with more detailed meta-data.
4. This is where you can get to the view with the second zoom level.
5. Images and meta-data can be downloaded on your hard drive for research and teaching purposes.
6. A simple click will bring you directly to the image in the source database.
7. Here, you will find information about the copyright and publication opportunities.
More tips on individual functions can be found in our Help.