Support with publishing

Do you want to publish images that you have found in prometheus? Since prometheus itself does not own any image rights, you usually cannot obtain the necessary publication permissions directly from the image archive. However, we can help you with information about the image rights for the respective images. You will find a link to the image rights for the selected image directly on the image, in the bottom left-hand bar: §.

There you will find information about the image rights for the respective work (1.a.), the respective photo (1.b.), the image credits (2.) and the image database from which the work in the image archive originates. You will also find instructions there on how, with whom and where you can clarify the publication rights.

In some cases you will see § with an asterisk at the bottom of the left bar – §* – …

… then you can obtain publication permission via a direct link, as in this example with images from bpk – Image Portal of Art Museums, Image Agency for Art, Culture and History, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, Berlin. First select the type of publication for which you intend to use this image and complete the other fields on the form. As soon as you save the information, the form will be sent and you will receive further information at the email address provided.