Your profile, your institution

The beginning of the semester seems like a good time to inform you about possible adjustments to your profile and settings. If you do not yet have a personal account with prometheus or no longer have one, you can register or extend your account and if you (then) have a personal account and are logged in, you can create and customize your profile.

Click on the name then on the pen and you can enter a new e-mail address or a new name, change your password or specify your research interests.
You can also change your institution or your license there by clicking on “Purchase a new license or change your institution …”.

After your change, your content such as image collections, your own database, favorites, etc. will continue to be available to you. If your personal access has expired, it may still be possible to reactivate it with all your personal settings. Please ask us before you have to create a new account and repeat your work in the image archive. We will be happy to help.