Image series 08 / 2020: Ludwig van Beethoven
250th Birthday
This year the whole world is celebrating the 250th birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven, who is considered the most widely played classical composer, one of the most famous and influential. He has reinvented himself again and again, defying any convention or routine and expanding the boundaries of music. Born in Bonn and raised in a family of musicians, he studied in Vienna with Joseph Haydn, among others, and lived there as a freelance artist with all its advantages and disadvantages until the end of his life. In the 56 years of his life, Beethoven left behind about 340 works, including symphonies, piano concertos, string quartets and an opera.
The anniversary exhibition in his native city traces the most important stages in Beethoven’s life and links them to his musical work.
„Beethoven. World.Citizen.Music“
17 December 2019 to 26 April 2020, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn

Beethoven Sonate mit Markierungen, Ausschnitt, 1821 bis 1822, Papier; DadaWeb, Universität zu Köln, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität zu Köln

Carel Nicolaas Storm van ’s-Gravesande. Geboortehuis van Beethoven in Bonn, Ausschnitt, 1863, paperchalkblack chalk, 17,5 × 12,6 cm, Amsterdam; Rijksmuseum Collection, Amsterdam

Streichquartett aus dem Besitz von Ludwig van Beethoven, Ausschnitt, 1601 bis 1800, Berlin; bpk – Bildportal der Kunstmuseen, Bildagentur für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin

Emile Antoine Bourdelle. Beethoven, aux longs cheveux (Ludwig Van Beethoven), Ausschnitt, 1891, 60 cm hoch, Paris; Iconothèque, Université de Genève, Bibliothèque d’art et d’archéologie

Franz von Stuck. Maske Beethovens, 1899-1901, Gips, 48 × 48 cm, München; ArteMIS, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Otto Pankok. Ludwig van Beethoven, Ausschnitt, 76,3 × 54 cm; Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Henry Baerer. New York, Baerer, Beethoven-Büste, Ausschnitt, Foto: 1985; Farbdiasammlung, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Andy Warhol. Beethoven, Ausschnitt, 1987, Siebdruck auf Acryl auf Leinwand, 101,6 × 101,6 cm; ConedaKOR Frankfurt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main