HyperImage – Image-Oriented e-Science Networks

Project partner

» Humboldt University of Berlin
» Leuphana University Lüneburg
» zweitwerk – software engineering GmbH

Project duration:

01.06.2006 – 31.05.2009

Project description:

The aim of the project is to open up innovative ways of collaboratively compiling and editing image corpora. By means of the future HyperImage Editor, on the one hand, any number of details within an image can be precisely marked and described. On the other hand, the annotations of the respective corpus can be linked manually as well as automatically and indexed. The working environment is web-based and freely configurable in terms of access rights. Interim results as well as final versions can be created as hypermedia online or offline publications at any time. The application is created under the guidelines of the GNU General Public License.

As part of the cooperation between prometheus and HyperImage, HyperImage users (provided they have the appropriate prometheus license) will be able to access data material from prometheus for their work and use it in the HyperImage editor.


» Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Project leadership HUB:

Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher
Tel.: 030 2093-7010
E-Mail: schirmbacher@cms.hu-berlin.de