Image series 17 / 2017: Robots
Motif in the Fine Arts
Will robots improve our lives or will they disempowering the human race? For decades, the spread of robotics has been observed with ambivalence, euphoric optimistic and fearful pessimistic. The use of artificial intelligence is also reflected in the visual arts, with the motif of the robot representing the relationship between humans and machines.
In the overview exhibition, more than 200 exhibits from the fields of design and art show how diverse robotics is today. They also focus on associated ethical, social, and political issues: #hellorobot!
“Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine”
11 February to 14 May 2017, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein

Enrico Prampolini. Der alltägliche Roboter (L’automa quotidiano), Ausschnitt, 1930, 10 × 80 cm, Rom; DiDi – Digitale Diathek, Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Kunstgeschichte

Willi Neubert. Schachspieler mit Roboter, Ausschnitt, 1981, Öl auf Leinwand, Dresden; Diathek online, Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Kunstgeschichte

Maria Lassnig. Roboter und Tier, Ausschnitt, 1997, Öl auf Leinwand, 125 × 100 cm; DILPS Bilddatenbank UdK, Universität der Künste Berlin

Simon Penny. Stupid Robot [Stupid Robot], Ausschnitt, 1987; Archive of Digital Art, Donau-Universität, Department für Bildwissenschaften

Nam June Paik. Family of Robot: Mother and Father, 1986, Cincinnati; Mediathek der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Patricia Waller. Roboterarm, Modell Herzblatt, 1997, Wolle, Styropor, Pappe, Gips, Häkelarbeit, Bestickt, 75 cm hoch; Digitale Diathek, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Eduardo Kac. telepresence [The Telepresence Garment], Ausschnitt, 1995-1996; Archive of Digital Art, Donau-Universität, Department für Bildwissenschaften

France Cadet. france cadet nemo [Do robotic cats dream of electric fish?], 2007; Archive of Digital Art, Donau-Universität, Department für Bildwissenschaften