Image series 39 / 2022: Sculptures by Erwin Heerich
Cardboard, Wood and Brass
The German artist Erwin Heerich became known in the mid-1960s for his small- and medium-size cardboard sculptures. For him, these cardboard sculptures were, on the one hand, temporary measures and, on the other hand, opportunities to show inexhaustible ideas in a variety of repeatable forms. Heerich’s works develop from an inner logic, in pre-planned, logical steps. The approach on which they are based is at home in architecture. In the 1980s, together with Karl-Heinrich Müller, he developed the idea of realising his sculptures, which are mainly made of cardboard, as sculptures that can be walked on in space.
On the occasion of Erwin Heerich’s 100th birthday, the exhibition shows sculptures made of cardboard, wood, plaster and brass, print series and large-format drawings from his oeuvre as well as joint textile works by him and his wife Hildegard Heerich.
„Erwin Heerich – Sculptures, Drawings, Graphic Series“
June 25 to October 16, 2022, Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau

Erwin Heerich. o.T. (Figurine), Ausschnitt, 1954, Tannenholz, Messing, Nägel und Draht, 46,1 × 24 × 28,5 cm, Bedburg-Hau; Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Erwin Heerich. Kartonplastik, Ausschnitt, 1964, Karton und Holz, 40 × 20 × 20 cm; Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Erwin Heerich. Drei Skulpturen (jeweis “Ohne Titel”), Ausschnitt, 1975, Holz, weiß gestrichen, Höhe zwischen 16 und 19,6 cm; Bildarchiv des Kompetenzzentrums für Kulturerbe, Universität Paderborn, Kompetenzzentrum für Kulturerbe

Erwin Heerich. o.T., 1983, Karton, 36 × 36 × 44,5 cm, Wiesbaden; Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Erwin Heerich. o.T., 1983, Karton, 38 × 38 × 38 cm, Wiesbaden; Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Erwin Heerich. Kardangelenk, Ausschnitt, 1986, Holz, 120 × 24 × 24 cm; Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Erwin Heerich. o.T. (Messingplastik, Nr. 8), Ausschnitt, 2000, Messing, 12-teilig, 6 × 18 × 18 cm, Viersen; Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Erwin Heerich. o.T. (Messingplastik, Nr. 43), 2000, Messing, Viersen; Kunstakademie Düsseldorf