Image series 39 / 2024: Hair in Focus in Photos
Cultural Meanings, Individual Information
Since the early 19th century, trends in body hair, hair fashion and the role of hairstyles in society, politics and everyday life have been disseminated internationally with the help of photography. The aesthetic diversity of hair cultivation on cheeks and above lips, on heads and back of heads, in armpits, between thighs and on chest and legs is an integral part of everyday cultures. Hair is an expression of personality and of belonging to social, religious or cultural communities.
A wide range of historical and contemporary photographs, videos and film clips from the 19th century to the present illuminate hair from various content-related, formal-aesthetic and media perspectives in the exhibition.
“Grow it, show it! A Look at Hair from Diane Arbus to TikTok”
13 September 2024 until 12 January 2025, Museum Folkwang, Essen

Dorothea von der Osten. Kosmetik (Beim Fönen), Ausschnitt, 1950er, Silbergelatineabzug, Vintage Print, 18,8 × 15,7 cm, Essen; User uploads, prometheus – Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung & Lehre

Richard Avedon. Twiggy, Haare von Ara Gallant, Paris Studio, Ausschnitt, 1968; Imago, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte

Siegfried Lauterwasser. Alter Mann mit Bart, Ausschnitt, Gelatinesilberpapier, Köln; Rheinisches Bildarchiv – Bestand Kölner Museen, Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln

Lieselotte Strelow. Salvador Dalì, Ausschnitt, 1963, Gelatinesilberpapier, Köln; Rheinisches Bildarchiv – Bestand Kölner Museen, Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln

Diane Arbus. Young man on a sofa, N.Y.C., Ausschnitt, 1966, Silbergelatineabzug, 35,6 × 27,9 cm, New York; ConedaKOR Frankfurt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut

Wolfgang Tillmans. armpit, 1992, Köln; Imago, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte