Complement data

Wikidata is an open, free, shared, multilingual and secondary database for collecting structured data. It can be created and maintained collaboratively by users. In March this year, we integrated Wikidata search links into prometheus. On the one hand, a direct link from the image archive goes to the corresponding norm data in Wikidata, if this information was included in description fields of the mentioned image databases. On the other hand, the first link can directly trigger a search process in prometheus for the Wikidata ID. Now a new function is integrated. The artist fields can be enriched by you with the corresponding Wikidata-ID.

Clicking on the pen, a window appears with an instruction and a field to be labeled.

Saved Wikidata IDs are also displayed in the following search result lists.
Without login, after accepting the terms of use, you can also add this data to one of the open access image databases included in prometheus, for example to that of the “Paris Musées”, at the image “Fleurs” by Félix Ziem.