NFDI4Culture & prometheus

Within the NFDI4Culture project, in the Task Area 3 “Research tools and data services“, the Flex Funds are available over four years to support projects and measures for the needs-based development or further development of research tools and data services in the NFDI4Culture communities.
In the first project year 2021, further developments were carried out by Task Area 3 staff, for example the image similarity search for prometheus.

In 2022, measures proposed for funding by the first Community Forum were funded, including the documentation and optimization of the open source graph database system ConedaKor.

After the second Community Forum, funding totaling €120,000 was approved in consultation with the Culture Steering Board, including the further development of the Graphical User Interface of the Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi and the further development of Kompakkt.

In 2024, a further ten measures were funded and applications for the fourth Community Forum “(Further) Development of Research Tools & Data Services“ are still possible until the end of August. The needs for tools, for the realization of which funds will again be available in 2025, will then be determined at the online meeting on 20 September from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.