Image series 25 / 2017: Close to the People

The Photographer William Klein

8 June 2017 | By: Bettina Pfleging

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People and fashion in the streets of the cities have been photographed by the American artist William Klein in his own style: directly, with strong contrasts and blurred contours. He worked apart from common conventions, tested new pictorial languages and saw the medium of photography as a large field of experimentation. He always dealt with current social issues.
The focus of the retrospective with around 300 exhibits is – beside his views of the cities of New York or Moscow – the relationship between his photographic and cinematic work in the past 60 years.

„William Klein. Photographs & Films“
29 April to 7 July 2017, c|o Berlin


William Klein. Crowd and Western Union, New York, 1955, Silbergelatineprint, 50 × 60 cm; DILPS Bilddatenbank UdK, Universität der Künste Berlin


William Klein. Grace Line, Fifth Avenue, New York, 1955, Silbergelatineprint, 50 × 60 cm, New York; DILPS Bilddatenbank UdK, Universität der Künste Berlin


William Klein. Gun 2, New York, 1955, Silbergelatineprint, 50 × 60 cm, New York; DILPS Bilddatenbank UdK, Universität der Künste Berlin


William Klein. Like a cigarette should, New York, 1955, Silbergelatineprint, 50 × 60 cm, New York; DILPS Bilddatenbank UdK, Universität der Künste Berlin


William Klein. Wings of the Hawk, Ausschnitt, 1955, Silbergelatineprint, 60 × 50 cm, New York; DILPS Bilddatenbank UdK, Universität der Künste Berlin


William Klein. Four Heads, New York, Ausschnitt, 1956, Silbergelatineprint, 60 × 50 cm, New York; DILPS Bilddatenbank UdK, Universität der Künste Berlin


William Klein. 1. Mai in Moskau, Ausschnitt, 1959; DILPS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


William Klein. Rockkonzert, Paris, Ausschnitt, 1982; Diathek online, Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Kunstgeschichte