Image series 05 / 2024: Postage Stamps
Postage on Paper
On behalf of the British Parliament, Rowland Hill was responsible for a postal reform in 1840, with which he ensured the introduction of prepayment of postage by stamp. The first American stamp came into circulation in 1847 and in Germany in 1849. Deutsche Post and the Federal Ministry of Finance issue new stamps every year. The themes are determined by the Ministry’s Art Advisory Board, which in turn commissions a group of up to 40 graphic artists to develop proposals and then selects the winners.
This year, the Museum of Communication invites to an exclusive special sale of all stamp issues from the last two years once a month, alternating between Berlin, Nuremberg and Frankfurt am Main.
„Erstverkaufstag der Philatelie“
Museum für Kommunikation, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Nürnberg

William Wyon. Unused block of twelve “Penny Red Brown” postage stamps of Queen Victoria, issued February 10, 1841, Engraving printed in red-brown ink on paper, 4,8 × 12,1 cm, New York; Metropolitan Museum of Art

Alphonse-Eugène Lechevrel. République française : projet pour le timbre de 15 centimes, 1906, gold, 21 mm, Paris; RMN Musée d’Orsay, Réunion des musées nationaux

Prasa Centralna Agencja Fotograficzna, 1966, baryta paperbaryta paper, 143 × 189 mm, Amsterdam; Rijksmuseum Collection, Amsterdam

25-Pf-Sondermarke der DDR-Post (1970) zum 200. Geburtstag Friedrich Hölderlins; User uploads, prometheus – Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung & Lehre

nach: Robert, Indiana. Love Stamp, commemorative eight-cent postage stamp, 1973/1974, Papier, Maine; DadaWeb, Universität zu Köln, Kunsthistorisches Institut